Our district needs you to become a sub!
Please contact Heather Burris at heather.burris@mccesc.org for more information. #londonpossible
Sufficient Grace (SG) pick up for SG Raider Remote students will be weekly on Wednesdays 10:30am-12:30pm. Please pick up at the high school cafeteria back door #13 (near the football rock). For more info. please contact Melissa Canney, Student Support, 740-852-5700 ext. 2109
Sufficient Grace students and families don't miss out on this opportunity being offered today for you by local area churches!
The latest episode of the #superandshupodcast is now live! This episode recaps the beginning of the school year & talks about what happens next. Tune in, mask on, & Raider up! https://t.co/DNzD4OJna0 #inthistogetherLCS #londonpossible
LONDON PICKS UP GRANTS TO SUPPORT SAFETY AND ON-CAMPUS PUBLIC WIFI ACCESS https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/304541?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
Sufficient Grace (SG) students and families! SG will officially begin at school on 9-18-20. This Friday 9-11-20, local churches are providing a drive up SG food pick at the London Nazarene Church! Check out the attached flyer and come on out!
London Thinking Creatively to Served Gifted, All Elementary Students https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/302702?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
Before and After School Program Continues to Grow at London https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/299997?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
With one week of gremlins behind us, we are planning another live feed for this week! Log on & tune in tomorrow as London (1-0) battles Tecumseh (1-0). Livestream begins just before 6:30 pm as we recognize band, cheer, and football seniors. #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
Partner Post: Champions, our Before and After School partner, is looking to hire one full Before and After School teacher and one part time Preschool Assistant Teacher. If interested, please e-mail jcooper@discoverchampions.com or call Jenny Cooper at (513) 550-2846.
Log on & tune in tomorrow for the battle of the Raiders as London travels to Benjamin Logan for our season opener. Livestream begins just before our 7 pm kick. #londonpossible
London Adapting to New Regulations; Gearing Up for First Fall Events https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/292307?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
New Superintendent Blog Post: Fall Sports are a Go! Let's Work Together to Keep Them Going. https://drloukramer.wordpress.com/2020/08/19/fall-sports-are-a-go-lets-work-to-keep-them-going/ #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS
Superintendent Robocall (8-12-2020): Back to School Parent To Do's https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/285515?org=london-city-schools #londonpossible @inthistogetherLCS
The Raider Rack will open and is accepting donations of new clothing and shoes, especially London Raider gear. Students love to wear it! For more information please contact melissa.canney@london.k12.oh.us
The latest episode of the #superandshupodcast is now live! This may be the most exciting 15 minutes you spend today! If not, at least you'll learn more about our our restart & be able to hear from Mrs. Shaw. https://thesuperandtheshu.libsyn.com #inthistogetherLCS #londonpossible
The Preschool Supply List is out now! Click the link to view: https://bit.ly/FELApreschoolsupplylist
All classroom assignments and enrollment paperwork has gone out. If you did not received this please email Sean Clymer at Sean.Clymer@london.k12.oh.us.
BREAKING: We have recently updated our district COVID19 webpage with important info regarding transportation, remote learning, and specifics for each school. #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS https://www.london.k12.oh.us/o/london-city-schools/page/covid19-updates-and-resources
LCS CHILD CARE PARTNER - CHAMPIONS - TO PROVIDE PRESCHOOL BEFORE/AFTER SCHOOL CHILDCARE #londonpossible #inthistogetherLCS https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/281920?org=london-city-schools
Parents and Students: Please Update Your FinalForms Information https://www.london.k12.oh.us/article/274828?org=london-city-schools #inthistogetherLCS #londonpossible