
The London City School District met in regular session on Tuesday, October 11th, 2022. The meeting was called to order by Board President, Mr. Donovan Cooper, with all members in attendance. Early in the meeting, the Board recognized the following students for significantly demonstrating the attributes highlighted in the District’s Portrait of a Graduate: Cooper Hudson-Love (8th grade LMS), Isabelle Tipton (12th grade, London Unlimited), and Morgan Myers (12th grade, London High School). 

District Treasurer Ms. Kristine Blind updated the Board during her discussion items on the upcoming Ohio School Boards Association Capital Conference. London will have two exemplary programs highlighted during the Student Achievement Fair at the conference. The Board then approved several routine items and one appropriation amendment.

During Dr. Kramer’s Superintendent Report, he highlighted that all schools have established data-based, improvement plans for the year and are in the process of achieving those goals. From a safety perspective, Dr. Kramer noted that the district applied for $300,000 in safety funding, is working with the city to finalize the SRO project which will be implemented beginning January 1st, and planned a full-scale safety drill for the district on November 17th. Finally, he shared that the Facilities and Finance Committee would meet several times during the next two months to discuss potential campus projects. 

After the Superintendent’s Report was given, the Board approved recommendations for several overnight trips and a number of routine personnel items. The meeting concluded after Board members provided brief updates for their various committee and liaison roles.

The next regular meeting of the Board of Education is scheduled for Monday, November 21st. The meeting will be held in the College and Career Readiness Center of London High School and begin at 6:30 pm.