Required Public Notices



Dear Parents and Community Members,

London City Schools receives federal Special Education Part B IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) funds to assist with the education of students with disabilities. By law, this money may be used for the education of students with disabilities ages 3 to 21.

The amount of funding is determined by the number of students who qualify for special education services in each school district. This funding does not cover the expenses for all special education services offered by London City Schools for their students but significantly decreases the need for expenditures from the general fund.

Citizens having questions on these expenditures of the Special Education – Part B IDEA funds should contact the Superintendent, Dr. Kramer, at 740-852-5700.


The Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and transgender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, genetic information (collectively, "Protected Classes"), or any other legally protected category, in its programs and activities, including employment opportunities.

The Board designates the following individuals to serve as the District’s "Compliance Officers" (also known as "Civil Rights Coordinators") (hereinafter referred to as the "COs").

Dr. Lou Kramer, District Superintendent

380 Elm Street, London, Ohio 43140



The Board of Education respects the privacy rights of parents and their children. No student shall be required, as a part of the school program or the District's curriculum, without prior written consent of the student (if an adult, or an emancipated minor) or, if an unemancipated minor, his/her parents, to submit to or participate in any survey, analysis, or evaluation that reveals information concerning:

  1. political affiliations or beliefs of the student or his/her parents;

  2. mental or psychological problems of the student or his/her family;

  3. sex behavior or attitudes;

  4. illegal, anti-social, self-incriminating or demeaning behavior;

  5. critical appraisals of other individuals with whom respondents have close family relationships;

  6. legally recognized privileged and analogous relationships, such as those of lawyers, physicians, and ministers;

  7. religious practices, affiliations, or beliefs of the student or his/her parents; or

  8. income (other than that required by law to determine eligibility for participation in a program or for receiving financial assistance under such a program).

The Superintendent shall require that procedures are established whereby parents may inspect any materials used in conjunction with any such survey, analysis, or evaluation.

Further, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, a survey or evaluation created by a third party before the survey/evaluation is administered or distributed by the school to the student. The parent will have access to the survey/evaluation within a reasonable period of time after the request is received by the building principal.

Additionally, parents have the right to inspect, upon request, any instructional material used as part of the educational curriculum of the student. The parent will have access to the instructional material within a reasonable period of time after the request is received by the building principal. The term instructional material means instructional content that is provided to a student, regardless of its format, including printed and representational materials, audio-visual materials, and materials in electronic or digital formats (such as materials accessible through the Internet). The term does not include academic tests or assessments.

The Board will not allow the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information (or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose).

The Superintendent is directed to provide notice directly to parents of students enrolled in the District of the substantive content of this policy at least annually at the beginning of the school year, and within a reasonable period of time after any substantive change in this policy. In addition, the Superintendent is directed to notify parents of students in the District, at least annually at the beginning of the school year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when the administration of any survey by a third party that contains one or more of the items described in A through H above are scheduled or expected to be scheduled.

For purposes of this policy, the term "parent" includes a legal guardian or other person standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child).


The Board of Education recognizes that the privacy of students may not be violated by unreasonable search and seizure and directs that no student be searched without reason or in an unreasonable manner.

The Board acknowledges the need for in-school storage of student possessions and shall provide storage places, including desks and lockers, for that purpose. Such spaces remain the property of the Board and, in accordance with law, may be the subject of random search. Where locks are provided for such places, students may lock them against incursion by other students, but in no such places shall students have such an expectation of privacy as to prevent examination by a school official. The Board directs the school principals to conduct a regular search at least annually of all such storage places.

School authorities are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the safety and well-being of the students in their care. In the discharge of that responsibility, school authorities may search the person or property, including vehicles, of a student, with or without the student's consent, whenever they reasonably suspect that the search is required to discover evidence of a violation of law or of school rules. The extent of the search will be governed by the seriousness of the alleged infraction and the student's age.

This authorization to search shall also apply to all situations in which the student is under the jurisdiction of the Board.

Administrators are authorized to arrange for the use of a breath-test instrument for the purpose of determining if a student has consumed an alcoholic beverage. It is not necessary for the test to determine blood-alcohol level, since the Board has established a zero tolerance for alcohol use.

Search of a student's person or intimate personal belongings shall be conducted by a person of the student's gender, in the presence of another staff member of the same gender, and only in exceptional circumstances when the health or safety of the student or of others is immediately threatened.

The Board also authorizes the use of canines, trained in detecting the presence of drugs, when the Superintendent has reasonable suspicion that illegal drugs may be present in a school. This means of detection shall be used only to determine the presence of drugs in locker areas and other places on school property where such substances could be concealed. Canine detection must be conducted in collaboration with law enforcement authorities or with organizations certified in canine detection and is not to be used to search individual students unless a warrant has been obtained prior to the search.

Except as provided below, a request for the search of a student or a student's possessions will be directed to the building principal or those specifically designated, who shall notify the Superintendent and seek the freely offered consent of the student to the inspection. Whenever possible, a search will be conducted by the principal in the presence of the student, his/her parent or a representative of the parent, and a staff member other than the principal. A search prompted by the reasonable belief that health and safety are immediately threatened will be conducted with as much speed and dispatch as may be required to protect persons and property.

The principal shall be responsible for the prompt recording in writing of each student search, including the reasons for the search; information received that established the need for the search and the name of informant, if any; the persons present when the search was conducted; any substances or objects found; and the disposition made of them. The principal shall be responsible for the custody, control, and disposition of any illegal or dangerous substance or object taken from a student.


The Board of Education is committed to the effective use of technology to both enhance the quality of student learning and the efficiency of District operations.

Students’ use of District Technology Resources (see definitions in Bylaw 0100) is a privilege, not a right. Students and their parents must sign and submit a Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety form annually. (See also, Policy 7540.03)

The Superintendent shall develop and implement a written District Technology Plan (DTP). One (1) of the primary purposes of the DTP is to evaluate new and emerging technologies and how they will play a role in student achievement and success and/or efficient and effective District operations.

The DTP shall set forth procedures for the proper acquisition of technology. The DTP shall also provide guidance to staff and students about making safe, appropriate and ethical use of District Technology Resources, as well as inform both staff and students about disciplinary actions that will be taken if its Technology Resources are abused in any way or used in an inappropriate, illegal, or unethical manner. See Policy 7540.03 and AG 7540.03 Student Technology Acceptable Use and Safety, and Policy 7540.04 and AG 7540.04 – Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety.

The Superintendent shall review the DTP and report any changes, amendments, or revisions to the Board.

This policy, along with the Student and Staff Technology Acceptable Use and Safety policies, and the Student Code of Conduct, further govern students’ and staff members’ use of their personal communication devices (see Policy 5136 and Policy 7530.02). Users have no right or expectation of privacy when using District technology resources (including, but not limited to, privacy in the content of their personal files, e-mails and records of their online activity when using the District’s computer network and/or Internet connection).

Further safeguards shall be established so that the Board's investment in both hardware and software achieves the benefits of technology and inhibits negative side effects. Accordingly, students shall be educated about appropriate online behavior including, but not limited to, using social media to interact with others online; interacting with other individuals in chat rooms or on blogs; and, recognizing what constitutes cyberbullying, understanding cyberbullying is a violation of Board policy, and learning appropriate responses if they experience cyberbullying.

For purposes of this policy, social media is defined as Internet-based applications that facilitate communication (e.g., interactive/two- way conversation/dialogue) and networking between individuals or groups. Social media is "essentially a category of online media where people are talking, participating, sharing, networking, and bookmarking online. Most social media services encourage discussion, feedback, voting, comments, and sharing of information from all interested parties." [Quote from Ron Jones of Search Engine Watch] Social media provides a way for people to stay "connected or linked to other sites, resources, and people." Examples include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, webmail, text messaging, chat, blogs, and instant messaging (IM). Social media does not include sending or receiving e-mail through the use of District-issued e-mail accounts.

Staff may use social media for business-related purposes. Authorized staff may use District Technology Resources to access and use social media to increase awareness of District programs and activities, as well as to promote achievements of staff and students, provided the Superintendent approves, in advance, such access and use. Use of social media for business-related purposes is subject to Ohio's public records laws and staff members are responsible for archiving their social media and complying with the District's record retention schedule. See Policy 8310 – Public Records, AG 8310A – Public Records, and AG 8310E – Records Retention and Disposal.

Instructional staff and their students may use District Technology Resources to access and use social media for educational purposes, provided the Principal approves, in advance, such access and use.

Students must comply with Policy 7540.03 and Policy 5136 when using District Technology Resources to access and/or use social media. Similarly, staff must comply with Policy 7540.04 and Policy 7530.02 when using District Technology Resources to access and/or use social media.


In order to provide appropriate educational services and programming, the Board of Education must collect, retain, and use information about individual students. Simultaneously, the Board recognizes the need to safeguard students’ privacy and restrict access to students’ personally identifiable information.

Student "personally identifiable information" ("PII") includes, but is not limited to: the student's name; the name of the student's parent or other family members; the address of the student or student's family; a personal identifier, such as the student's social security number, student number, or biometric record; other indirect identifiers, such as the student's date of birth, place of birth, and mother's maiden name; other information that, alone or in combination, is linked or linkable to a specific student that would allow a reasonable person in the school community, who does not have personal knowledge of the relevant circumstances, to identify the student with reasonable certainty; or information requested by a person who the District reasonably believes knows the identity of the student to whom the education record relates.

The Board is responsible for the records of all students who attend or have attended schools in this District. Only records mandated by the State or Federal government and/or necessary and relevant to the function of the School District or specifically permitted by this Board will be compiled by Board employees.

In all cases, permitted, narrative information in student records shall be objectively-based on the personal observation or knowledge of the originator.

Student records shall be available only to students and their parents, eligible students, designated school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the information, or to other individuals or organizations as permitted by law.

The term "parents" includes legal guardians or other persons standing in loco parentis (such as a grandparent or stepparent with whom the child lives, or a person who is legally responsible for the welfare of the child). The term "eligible student" refers to a student who is eighteen (18) years of age or older, or a student of any age who is enrolled in a postsecondary institution.

Both parents shall have equal access to student records unless stipulated otherwise by court order or law. In the case of eligible students, parents may be allowed access to the records without the student's consent, provided the student is considered a dependent under section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code.

A school official is a person employed by the Board as an administrator, supervisor, teacher/instructor (including substitutes), or support staff member (including health or medical staff and law enforcement unit personnel); and a person serving on the Board. The Board further designates the following individuals and entities as "school officials" for the purpose of FERPA:

  1. persons or companies with whom the Board has contracted to perform a specific task (such as an attorney, auditor, insurance representative, or medical consultant), and

  2. contractors, consultants, volunteers, or other parties to whom the Board has outsourced a service or function otherwise performed by the Board employees (e.g. a therapist, authorized information technology (IT) staff, and approved online educational service providers)

The above-identified outside parties must (a) perform institutional services or functions for which the Board would otherwise use it, employees, (b) be under the direct control of the Board with respect to the use and maintenance of education records, and (c) be subject to the requirements of 34 C.F.R. 99.33(a) governing the use and re-disclosure of PII from education records.

Finally, a parent or student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another school official in performing his/her tasks (including volunteers) is also considered a "school official" for purposes of FERPA provided s/he meets the above-referenced criteria applicable to other outside parties.

"Legitimate educational interest" is defined as a "direct or delegated responsibility for helping the student achieve one (1) or more of the educational goals of the District" or if the record is necessary in order for the school official to perform an administrative, supervisory, or instructional task or to perform a service or benefit for the student or the student's family. The Board directs that reasonable and appropriate methods (including but not limited to physical and/or technological access controls) are utilized to control access to student records and to make certain that school officials obtain access to only those education records in which they have legitimate educational interest.

The Board authorizes the administration to:

  1. forward student records, including disciplinary records with respect to suspensions and expulsions, upon request to a private or public school or school district in which a student of this District is enrolled, seeks or intends to enroll, or is instructed to enroll, on a full-time or part-time basis, upon condition that:

    1. a reasonable attempt is made to notify the student's parent or eligible student of the transfer (unless the disclosure is initiated by the parent or eligible student; or the Board's annual notification - Form 8330 F9 - includes a notice that the Board will forward education records to other agencies or institutions that have requested the records and in which the student seeks or intends to enroll or is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student's enrollment or transfer);

    2. the parent or eligible student, upon request, receives a copy of the record; and

    3. the parent or eligible student, upon request, has an opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of the record;

  2. forward student records, including disciplinary records with respect to suspensions and expulsions, upon request to a juvenile detention facility in which the student has been placed, or a juvenile court that has taken jurisdiction of the student;

  3. forward student records, including disciplinary records with respect to suspensions and expulsions, upon request to a public school or school district in which a student in foster care is enrolled. Such records shall be transferred within one (1) school day of the enrolling school’s request;

  4. provide "personally-identifiable" information to appropriate parties, including parents of an eligible student, whose knowledge of the information is necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals, if there is an articulable and significant threat to the health or safety of a student or other individuals, considering the totality of the circumstances;

  5. report a crime committed by a child to appropriate authorities, and, with respect to reporting a crime committed by a student with a disability, to transmit copies of the student's special education and disciplinary records to the authorities for their consideration;

  6. release de-identified records and information in accordance with Federal regulations;

  7. disclose personally identifiable information from education records, without consent, to organizations conducting studies "for, or on behalf of" the District for purposes of developing, validating or administering predictive tests, administering student aid programs, or improving instruction;

    Information disclosed under this exception must be protected so that students and parents cannot be personally identified by anyone other than representative of the organization conducting the study, and must be destroyed when no longer needed for the study. In order to release information under this provision, the District will enter into a written agreement with the recipient organization that specifies the purpose of the study. (See Form 8330 F14.) Further, the following personally identifiable information will not be disclosed to any entity: a student or his/her family member’s social security number(s); religion; political party affiliation; voting history; or biometric information.

    This written agreement must include: 1) specification of the purpose, scope, duration of the study, and the information to be disclosed; 2) a statement requiring the organization to use the personally identifiable information only to meet the purpose of the study; 3) a statement requiring the organization to prohibit personal identification of parents and students by anyone other than a representative of the organization with legitimate interests; and 4) a requirement that the organization destroy all personally identifiable information when it is no longer needed for the study, along with a specific time period in which the information must be destroyed.

    While the disclosure of personally identifiable information (other than social security numbers, religion, political party affiliation, voting record, or biometric information) is allowed under this exception, it is recommended that de-identified information be used whenever possible. This reduces the risk of unauthorized disclosure.

  8. disclose personally identifiable information from education records without consent, to authorized representatives of the Comptroller General, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Education, as well as State and local educational authorities;

    The disclosed records must be used to audit or evaluate a Federal or State supported education program, or to enforce or comply with Federal requirements related to those education programs. A written agreement between the parties is required under this exception. (See Form 8330 F16)

    This written agreement must include: 1) designation of the receiving entity as an authorized representative; 2) specification of the information to be disclosed; 3) specification that the purpose of the disclosure is to carry out an audit or evaluation of a government-supported educational program or to enforce or comply with the program's legal requirements; 4) a summary of the activity that includes a description of methodology and an explanation of why personally identifiable information is necessary to accomplish the activity; 5) a statement requiring the organization to destroy all personally identifiable information when it is no longer needed for the study, along with a specific time period in which the information must be destroyed; and 6) a statement of policies and procedures that will protect personally identifiable information from further disclosure or unauthorized use.

    Under the audit exception, the District will use "reasonable methods" to verify that the authorized representative complies with FERPA regulations. Specifically, the District will verify, to the greatest extent practical, that the personally identifiable information is used only for the audit, evaluation or enforcement of a government-supported educational program. The District will also ascertain the legitimacy of the audit or evaluation and will only disclose the specific records that the authorized representative needs. Further, the District will require the authorized representative to use the records only for the specified purpose and not to disclose the information any further, such as for another audit or evaluation. Finally, the District will verify that the information is destroyed when no longer needed for the audit, evaluation or compliance activity.

  9. request each person or party requesting access to a student's record to abide by Federal regulations and State laws concerning the disclosure of information.

The Board will comply with a legitimate request for access to a student's records within a reasonable period of time but not more than forty-five (45) days after receiving the request or within such shorter period as may be applicable to students with disabilities. Upon the request of the viewer, a record shall be reproduced, unless said record is copyrighted, or otherwise restricted, and the viewer may be charged a fee equivalent to the cost of handling and reproduction. Based upon reasonable requests, viewers of education records will receive explanation and interpretation of the records.

The Board shall maintain a record of each request for access and each disclosure of personally identifiable information. Such disclosure records will indicate the student, person viewing the record, their legitimate interest in the information, information disclosed, date of disclosure, and date parental/eligible student consent was obtained (if required).

Only "directory information" regarding a student shall be released to any person or party, other than the student or his/her parent, without the written consent of the parent, or, if the student is an eligible student, without the written consent of the student, except to those persons or parties stipulated by the Board's policy and administrative guidelines and/or those specified in the law.


Each year the Superintendent shall provide public notice to students and their parents of the District's intent to make available, upon request, certain information known as "directory information." The Board designates as student "directory information": a student's name; address; telephone number; date and place of birth; major field of study; participation in officially-recognized activities and sports; height and weight, if a member of an athletic team; dates of attendance; date of graduation; or awards received.

The Board designates school-assigned e-mail accounts as "directory information" for the limited purpose of facilitating students’ registration for access to various online educational services, including mobile applications/apps that will be utilized by the student for educational purposes.

School-assigned e-mail accounts shall not be released as directory information beyond this/these limited purpose(s) and to any person or entity but the specific online educational service provider and internal users of the District's Education Technology.

Directory information shall not be provided to any organization for profit-making purposes.

Parents and eligible students may refuse to allow the Board to disclose any or all of such "directory information" upon written notification to the Board within thirty (30) days after receipt of the Superintendent's annual public notice.

In accordance with Federal and State law, the Board shall release the names, addresses, and telephone listings of secondary students to a recruiting officer for any branch of the United States Armed Forces or an institution of higher education who requests such information. A secondary school student or parent of the student may request in writing that the student's name, address, and telephone listing not be released without prior consent of the parent(s)/eligible student. The recruiting officer is to sign a form indicating that "any information received by the recruiting officer shall be used solely for the purpose of informing students about military service and shall not be released to any person other than individuals within the recruiting services of the Armed Forces." The Superintendent is authorized to charge mailing fees for providing this information to a recruiting officer.

Whenever consent of the parent(s)/eligible student is required for the inspection and/or release of a student's health or education records or for the release of "directory information," either parent may provide such consent unless agreed to otherwise in writing by both parents or specifically stated by court order. If the student is under the guardianship of an institution, the Superintendent shall appoint a person who has no conflicting interest to provide such written consent.

The Board may disclose "directory information," on former students without student or parental consent, unless the parent or eligible student previously submitted a request that such information not be disclosed without their prior written consent.

The Board shall not permit the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the purpose of marketing or for selling that information (or otherwise providing that information to others for that purpose).


The parent of a student or an eligible student has the right to inspect upon request any instrument used in the collection of personal information before the instrument is administered or distributed to a student. Personal information for this section is defined as individually identifiable information including a student or parent's first and last name, a home or other physical address (including street name and the name of the city or town), a telephone number, or a Social Security identification number. In order to review the instrument, the parent or eligible student must submit a written request to the building principal at least three (3) business days before the scheduled date of the activity. The instrument will be provided to the parent or eligible student within three (3) business days of the principal receiving the request.

The Superintendent shall directly notify the parent(s) of a student and eligible students, at least annually at the beginning of the school year, of the specific or approximate dates during the school year when such activities are scheduled or expected to be scheduled.

This section does not apply to the collection, disclosure, or use of personal information collected from students for the exclusive purpose of developing, evaluating, or providing educational products or services for, or to, students or educational institutions, such as the following:

  1. college or other postsecondary education recruitment, or military recruitment

  2. book clubs, magazine, and programs providing access to low-cost literary products

  3. curriculum and instructional materials used by elementary and secondary schools

  4. tests and assessments used by elementary and secondary schools to provide cognitive, evaluative, diagnostic, clinical, aptitude, or achievement information about students (or to generate other statistically useful data for the purpose of securing such tests and assessments) and the subsequent analysis and public release of the aggregate data from such tests and assessments

  5. the sale by students of products or services to raise funds for school- related or education-related activities

  6. student recognition programs

The Superintendent is directed to prepare administrative guidelines so that students and parents are adequately informed each year regarding their rights to:

  1. inspect and review the student's education records;

  2. request amendments if the parent believes the record is inaccurate, misleading, or violates the student's privacy rights;

  3. consent to disclosures of personally-identifiable information contained in the student's education records, except to those disclosures allowed by the law;

  4. challenge Board noncompliance with a parent's request to amend the records through a hearing;

  5. file a complaint with the United States Department of Education;

  6. obtain a copy of the Board's policy and administrative guidelines on student records.

The Superintendent shall also develop procedural guidelines for:

  1. the proper storage and retention of records including a list of the type and location of records;

  2. informing Board employees of the Federal and State laws concerning student records.

The Board authorizes the use of the microfilm process or electromagnetic processes of reproduction for the recording, filing, maintaining, and preserving of records.

No liability shall attach to any member, officer, or employee of this Board as a consequence of permitting access or furnishing student records in accordance with this policy and regulations.

Any entity receiving personally identifiable information pursuant to a study, audit, evaluation or enforcement/compliance activity must comply with all FERPA regulations. Further, such an entity must enter into a written contract with the Board of Education delineating its responsibilities in safeguarding the disclosed information. Specifically, the entity must demonstrate the existence of a sound data security plan or data stewardship program, and must also provide assurances that the personally identifiable information will not be redisclosed without prior authorization from the Board. Further, the entity conducting the study, audit, evaluation or enforcement/compliance activity is required to destroy the disclosed information once it is no longer needed or when the timeframe for the activity has ended, as specified in its written agreement with the Board of Education. See Form 8330 F14 and Form 8330 F16 for additional contract requirements.


If a parent (or adult student), presents information to the District certifying that the parent (or adult student), his/her child, or a member of the parent’s household is a participant in the Safe at Home/Address Confidentiality Program administered by the Secretary of State, the Board shall refrain from including the student’s actual/confidential residential address in any student records or files (including electronic records and files) or disclosing the student’s actual/confidential residential address when releasing student records. Since student records are available to non-custodial parents, designated school officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the information, and other individuals or organizations as permitted by law (including the public in some situations), the Board shall only list the address designated by the Secretary of State to serve as the student’s address in any student records or files, including electronic records and files. Further, the Board shall use the student’s designated address for any and all communications and correspondence between the Board and the parent(s) of the student (or adult student). The student’s actual/confidential residential address shall be maintained in a separate confidential file that is not accessible to the public or any employees without a legitimate purpose.

Although the student’s actual/confidential address will not be available for release as directory information, the parent (or adult student) may also request that the student’s name and telephone number be withheld from any release of directory information. Additionally, if applicable, the student’s parent’s school, the institution of higher education, business, or place of employment (as specified on an application to be a program participant or on a notice of change of name or address) shall be maintained in a confidential manner.

If a non-custodial parent presents a subpoena or court order stating that s/he should be provided with copies or access to a student’s records, the District will redact the student’s confidential address and telephone number from the student’s records before complying with the order or subpoena. The District will also notify the custodial/residential parent of the release of student records in accordance with the order or subpoena.

The intentional disclosure of a student’s actual/confidential residential address is prohibited. Any violations could result in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution.


The Board of Education is committed to the implementation of the Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) framework on a District-wide basis and the establishment of a school environment focused on the care, safety, and welfare of all students and staff members. Staff is directed to work to prevent the use of physical restraint and/or seclusion. The PBIS framework shall serve as the foundation for the creation of a learning environment that promotes the use of evidence-based academic and behavioral practices aimed at enhancing academic, social, and behavioral outcomes for all students. An emphasis shall be placed on promoting positive interventions and solutions to potential crises. If a student's behavior, however, presents a threat of immediate physical harm to the student or others, staff may, as a last resort (i.e., there is no other safe and effective intervention available) and in accordance with the terms of this policy, use approved physical restraint or seclusion to maintain a safe environment.