1. Annually, 80% of district students will demonstrate at least one year of growth for both reading and math as measured by district formative assessments. NOTE: 52% of district students in reading and 55% of students in math demonstrated adequate growth on the iReady assessments during the 2022-2023 school year.

  2. At least, 94% of all London City Schools students will graduate within four (4) years of entering high school. NOTE: LCS increased its graduation rate by 2.5% to 94.7% on the most recent report card.

  3. The London City School District will improve its performance index as shown on the Ohio Department of Education Report card by at least 1 point each year. NOTE: LCS has increased its performance index for 3 consecutive years and over 12% in the last two years for a total improvement of 9.6 points.


goal 1


  1. Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, the London City School District will engage in ongoing strategic planning to ensure the district is making effective progress toward obtaining district goals DISTRICT PRIORITY

  2. Throughout the current school year, the district will monitor, assess, and recommend resources to ensure all students have access to quality instructional materials DISTRICT PRIORITY

  3. During the 2023-2024 school year, the London City School District will implement with fidelity a K-5 and 6-12 Academic Coaching program DISTRICT PRIORITY

  4. During the 2023-2024 school year, London Elementary School will effectively implement state-required Dyslexia/Science of Reading teaching training DISTRICT PRIORITY

  5. Throughout the 2023-2024 school year, LCS will effectively implement a new Elementary Art program.

  6. During the current school year, the district will allocate more resources and oversight of London Middle School in order to foster greater student achievement and a more supportive school climate DISTRICT PRIORITY